It is such a blessing to share this mission with all of you... I know that no one is reading this blog "by accident", there is a purpose and a reason.
For those of you who are supporting this ministry, I am so thankful that you have decided to unite with me to do God's work. It is so humbling to know that you take the time to pray for me. This is just as much your ministry as it is mine. This is one of the many verses that comes to mind when I think of you:
"We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thess. 1:3
I know that your lives will be changed and blessed because of your willingness to be bold for Christ... because he was so bold for us. I know that when I look out at the people who are living in poverty, it is a mirror into my own soul... a soul that is empty and in constant need of a savior; of something else as it's source. I love what Tim Keller wrote when he said:
"My experience as a pastor has been that those who are middle-class in spirit tend to be indifferent to the poor, but people who come to grasp the gospel of grace and become spiritually poor find their hearts gravitating toward the materially poor. To the degree that the gospel shapes your self-image, you will identify with those in need. You will see their tattered clothes and think: “All my righteousness is as filthy rags, but in Christ we can be clothed in his robes of righteousness.” When you come upon those who are economically poor, you cannot say to them, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!” because you certainly did not do that spiritually. Jesus intervened for you. And you cannot say, “I won’t help you because you got yourself into this mess,” since God came to earth, moved into your spiritually poor neighborhood, as it were, and helped you even though your spiritual problems were your own fault. In other words, when Christians who understand the gospel see a poor person, they realize they are looking into a mirror. Their hearts must go out to him or her without an ounce of superiority or indifference."
A lot of people have been messaging me asking how to join and take part of this ministry. So here is the answer:
I would love you to continually pray for me, pray for your part, and to continue to follow along!
If you would like to make a financial contribution, it would be greatly appreciated and is much needed... I'm living off of support! :) (Probably the biggest leap of faith for me)
**You can either make a one time donation, commit to monthly donations, or both!
**Please make checks payable to: Lakewood Baptist Church
-this way it is tax deductible. They are "housing" my support and are taking care of a lot of the behind the scenes work for me!
**Please mail checks to:
Sidney Eure
2516 Katherine Circle
Gainesville, GA 30506
-By mailing the checks to me, I can make sure they are given to the right person at the church. This way, I can also keep track of how much support I have raised AND most importantly, keep you updated on the ministry that you will be joining! :)
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